
NOTE: Originally created and released in 2011.
While some question and debate over who actually killed MLK or who killed JFK, there is no argument over who deliberately assassinated Chairman Fred Hampton. It was the Chicago Police Department (CPD). No conspiracy theory. Just the truth.
Peep the story ...
The Chicago Police Department (in connection with the FBI), decided to set up an arms raid on Hampton's Chicago apartment. With the help of FBI informant William O'Neal, they set up a team organized for a pre-dawn raid armed with a warrant for illegal weapons. On the night of 12/03/69, O'Neal slipped the powerful barbiturate sleep agent, Secobarbitol into a drink that was consumed by Hampton during the dinner in order to sedate Hampton so that he would not awaken during the subsequent raid. Hampton fell asleep in mid-sentence talking to his mother on the telephone.
At 4:00 a.m. on 12/04/1969, the heavily armed police team arrived at the site, (2237 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL). At 4:45, they stormed in the apartment.
Mark Clark, sitting in the front room of the apartment with a shotgun in his lap, was on security duty. He was killed instantly after firing off a single round, which was later determined to be a reflexive reaction in his death convulsions after being shot by the raiding team; this was the only shot the Panthers fired.
Automatic gunfire then converged at the head of the bedroom where Hampton slept, unable to wake up as a result of the barbiturates that the FBI infiltrator had slipped into his drink. He was lying on a mattress in the bedroom with his pregnant girlfriend. Two officers found him wounded in the shoulder. Two shots were heard, which it was later discovered were fired point blank in Hampton's head. Hampton's body was dragged into the doorway of the bedroom and left in a pool of blood.
The next day, the police said they shot because Fred Hampton and the Black Panthers shot at them. The officers were praised for there bravery. Evidence later revealed that this was not true at all. All of the shots fired came into the house (from CPD) ... No bravery, just evil.
Note: The FBI informant, William O'Neal, later committed suicide after admitting his involvement in setting up the raid.
Long Live Chairman Fred!!
100% Cotton.
Preshrunk to minimize shrinkage